NFVbench Fluentd Integration

NFVbench has an optional fluentd integration to save logs and results.

Configuring Fluentd to receive NFVbench logs and results

The following configurations should be added to Fluentd configuration file to enable logs or results.

To receive logs, and forward to a storage server:

In the example below nfvbench is the tag name for logs (which should be matched with logging_tag under NFVbench configuration), and storage backend is elasticsearch which is running at localhost:9200.

<match nfvbench.**>
@type copy
    @type elasticsearch
    host localhost
    port 9200
    logstash_format true
    logstash_prefix nfvbench
    utc_index false
    flush_interval 15s

To receive results, and forward to a storage server:

In the example below resultnfvbench is the tag name for results (which should be matched with result_tag under NFVbench configuration), and storage backend is elasticsearch which is running at localhost:9200.

<match resultnfvbench.**>
@type copy
    @type elasticsearch
    host localhost
    port 9200
    logstash_format true
    logstash_prefix resultnfvbench
    utc_index false
    flush_interval 15s

Configuring NFVbench to connect Fluentd

To configure NFVbench to connect Fluentd, fill following configuration parameters in the configuration file




Tag for NFVbench logs, it should be the same tag defined in Fluentd configuration


Tag for NFVbench results, it should be the same tag defined in Fluentd configuration


ip address of Fluentd server


port number of Fluentd serverd

An example of configuration for Fluentd working at and tags for logging is nfvbench and result is resultnfvbench

    # by default (logging_tag is empty) nfvbench log messages are not sent to fluentd
    # to enable logging to fluents, specify a valid fluentd tag name to be used for the
    # log records
    logging_tag: nfvbench

    # by default (result_tag is empty) nfvbench results are not sent to fluentd
    # to enable sending nfvbench results to fluentd, specify a valid fluentd tag name
    # to be used for the results records, which is different than logging_tag
    result_tag: resultnfvbench

    # IP address of the server, defaults to loopback

    # port # to use, by default, use the default fluentd forward port
    port: 24224

Example of logs and results

An example of log obtained from fluentd by elasticsearch:

  "_index": "nfvbench-2017.10.17",
  "_type": "fluentd",
  "_id": "AV8rhnCjTgGF_dX8DiKK",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": 3,
  "_source": {
    "loglevel": "INFO",
    "message": "Service chain 'PVP' run completed.",
    "@timestamp": "2017-10-17T18:09:09.516897+0000",
    "runlogdate": "2017-10-17T18:08:51.851253+0000"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [

For each packet size and rate a result record is sent. Users can label those results by passing –user-label parameter to NFVbench run

And the results of this command obtained from fluentd by elasticsearch:

  "_index": "resultnfvbench-2017.10.17",
  "_type": "fluentd",
  "_id": "AV8rjYlbTgGF_dX8Drl1",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "compute_nodes": [
    "total_orig_rate_bps": 200000000,
    "@timestamp": "2017-10-17T18:16:43.755240+0000",
    "frame_size": "64",
    "forward_orig_rate_pps": 148809,
    "flow_count": 10000,
    "avg_delay_usec": 6271,
    "total_tx_rate_pps": 283169,
    "total_tx_rate_bps": 190289668,
    "forward_tx_rate_bps": 95143832,
    "reverse_tx_rate_bps": 95145836,
    "forward_tx_rate_pps": 141583,
    "chain_analysis_duration": "60.091",
    "service_chain": "PVP",
    "version": "1.0.10.dev1",
    "runlogdate": "2017-10-17T18:10:12.134260+0000",
    "Encapsulation": "VLAN",
    "user_label": "nfvbench-label",
    "min_delay_usec": 70,
    "profile": "traffic_profile_64B",
    "reverse_rx_rate_pps": 68479,
    "reverse_rx_rate_bps": 46018044,
    "reverse_orig_rate_pps": 148809,
    "total_rx_rate_bps": 92030085,
    "drop_rate_percent": 51.6368455626846,
    "forward_orig_rate_bps": 100000000,
    "bidirectional": true,
    "vSwitch": "OPENVSWITCH",
    "sc_count": 1,
    "total_orig_rate_pps": 297618,
    "type": "single_run",
    "reverse_orig_rate_bps": 100000000,
    "total_rx_rate_pps": 136949,
    "max_delay_usec": 106850,
    "forward_rx_rate_pps": 68470,
    "forward_rx_rate_bps": 46012041,
    "reverse_tx_rate_pps": 141586
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [